Bangladesh Aid Project
Bangladesh Aid Project
We are planning to undertake local aid projects in Australia, Bangladesh and the Pacific in order to show our solidarity as world citizens with our neighbours in the region, and to provide a concrete focus for activities of our members.

Appeal for Flood Victims in Bangladesh
Director: Wali Islam
Click HERE to read our most recent Proposal. Any support is welcome!
"Overcoming poverty is not simply a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life . . ."
— Nelson Mandela
We are presently undertaking an overseas aid project in Bangladesh to help people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by river flooding. The Bangladesh Project was first established in 2007, soon after Dr Islam and his daughter Tasnima returned from their visit to Bangladesh, deeply touched by the reality of poverty, humility of the country’s people and a vow to make a difference.

Dr Wali's visit to Bangladesh in 2023 to follow up on developments of the community and instigate ideas.

The only Public school in the village is drowning

Children end up on the streets
A free primary school has been set up, with five teachers and some 150 pupils, in a shoestring project led by Dr. Wali Islam, with help from the WCAA. In other projects supported by the Bangladeshi community in Australia, a mosque, an orphanage, an occupational training centre and a market have been established in Char Khabulia, an area reclaimed from the great river Jamuna.

The headmaster is addressing the students
In the near future, we hope to set up a pilot project to supply solar cookers to the community, to help avoid the loss of woodlands and consequent erosion along the river. We welcome contributions or suggestions for further actions and activities from any member of the community.
Newsflash, October 2017.
Our Aid Project Director, Wali Islam, has recently been on a trip to Bangladesh with his family to inspect the progress of the Project. Unfortunately he had just returned when news came of the worst river flooding in the district for ten years at least.
Villagers set off for higher ground on makeshift bamboo rafts. The building in the background (right) is part of our WCA Aid school project.
The whole district of Char Khabulia has been inundated, including the school, and the population is now in desperate need of further aid to recover after the disaster. We appealed to our members and supporters to give what they could towards this worthy cause. Cheques totalling $10,000 have just been sent off to the Appeal. Our sincere thanks go to all those members who contributed to this very worthy cause!
Villagers set up temporary shelters from the floods at the side of the road
Rehabilitation efforts are being led by our partners on the ground, the Wajifa Noor Ashmatia Foundation (WNAF). Recently, WNAF has given taka 1000.00 (equivalent to $15.00) to more than 100 families to buy rice and other basic needs. The foundation is committed to raise $30,000.00 to provide aid to the devastated yet resilient families so that they can restart their lives.
Money will be spent helping to:
Rebuild houses for families who have lost homes because of river erosion
Feed poor families who are devastated by the flood
Install tube-wells for safe drinking water
Construct some latrines particularly for women
Establish satellite clinics and supply basic medicines including oral salines
Supplement babies’ and children’s nutrition
We have recently been granted charitable (DGR) status for the WCA Aid Project Fund, allowing us to solicit tax-deductible donations for this work. We would welcome any donations to the Fund.
Direct Deposit
Account Name: WCA Aid Project Fund
BSB: 633000
Account Number: 131807687
Put your name on the transaction description and email
“protected email* with your contact details, or else post your receipt to the Treasurer as above.