Citizens Worldwide (Including Australia) Support a Democratic World Government Focused on Global Issues
By Dr Farsan Ghassim and Dr Markus Pauli, published by the Australian Institute of International Affairs
"Global opinon is moving steadily toward a consensus on global government. New data from across 17 countries—representing more than half of the world population—supports the creation of a democratic global government body to tackle pressing global challenges like climate change."
Click HERE to learn more.
Latest releases from the
Summit of the Future Information Clearinghouse
"The Information Clearinghouse (ICH) program provides objective monitoring and reporting of the intergovernmental negotiations and processes leading to the September 2024 Summit of the Future."
Click HERE to learn more.
Prospective international students worried about federal government caps
By Natasya Salim, Oscar Coleman
Posted Fri 30 Aug 2024 at 4:59am
"Education Minister Jason Clare this week unveiled a proposal to limit international enrolments across universities and vocational training to 270,000 places in 2025, like pre-pandemic levels but about 20 per cent lower than recent peaks."
Click HERE to learn more.
G7 Summit June 13-15th
The next G7 Summit will be held June 13-15 th in Italy. Principals are Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, and ‘Sherpa’ Ambassador Luca Ferrari. Members will recall that the CWSC is a transnational working group advocating the formation of a global alliance, or better still a security community, of democracies as the best way of halting the slide to autocracy worldwide, and as a first step towards a brighter future in the form of an eventual democratic world federation. The most likely starting point would seem to be an extension of the G7 into a ‘D10’ grouping, including Australia and South Korea, and possibly India, as a deterrent against any Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Several of us have undertaken another letter-writing campaign to national leaders, trying to get this idea on the agenda for the next G7 Summit meeting.
Summit of the Future 2024
The Summit of the Future is intended to be a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives. An action-oriented Pact for the Future will be endorsed by Heads of State/Government at the Summit, showcasing global solidarity for current and future generations. It will take place on 22-23 September 2024. It will comprise a high-level event bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.
Copenhagen Democracy Summit, May 14-15th 2024
The Copenhagen Democracy Summit is an annual event Dedicated to strengthening
the resolve of the world’s democracies by providing a high-level strategic forum
focused exclusively on the cause of democracy. This year’s event will take place on
May 14-15 th , 2024 at the Royal Danish Playhouse. Click HERE to watch all recordings.
The Lowy Institute's latest Asia Power Index found China registered the largest decline in comprehensive power of any country in the region in 2022 because of its tough coronavirus border closures and lockdown rules. The report found China's economic capability fell to its lowest level since 2018, allowing the US to regain top spot on this measure.
"Over the past couple of years, China has really been competing with one hand behind its back," according to Susannah Patton, who led the project for the Lowy Institute.
Australia remains the sixth most power nation in Asia -- below the US, China, Japan, India and Russia -- but ahead of more populous nations such as South Korea and Indonesia.
Read more:

The next Copenhagen Democracy Summit will be hosted by the Alliance of Democracies
Foundation on 9-10 June 2022. Uniting democratic forces to push back on the authoritarian
tide was their ambition when they inaugurated the Copenhagen Democracy Summit series
five years ago with Joe Biden as their inaugural keynote speaker. For more information, see

The Global Democracy Coalition was formed in October of 2021, convened by International IDEA and other democracy and democracy assistance organizations from around the world. The goal was to create an informal group of organizations committed to the advancement of democracy, working together to engage constructively with the Summit for Democracy, hosted by United States government, in December 2021. Together, partner organizations decided to hold a Forum ahead of the first Summit.
They now include 75 partner organizations, including our CWSC. On April 5 the first webinar of a planned webinar series took place. A recording of the event is available in the event section of the Coalition website. They have now finalized the Coalition’s core documents (Coalition Value Proposition, Partnership Factsheet, Action Plan 2022, and FAQ).
African Union-European Union 2022 Summit: Civil society declaration for a common sustainable future
The World Citizens Association of Australia endorses and welcomes the holding in February 2022 of an African Union –European Union summit during the French European Union Council Presidency. The summit is a crucial opportunity to develop a closer partnership between the neighbours, and build a common sustainable future. And we invite you to join us.
We are committed to promoting global governance to address inequality, socio-economic development, climate change, peace and security. . Effective global governance can ensure all people have peaceful, dignified and prosperous lives.
We therefore recognise the urgent need for a multilateral approach between Africa and the EU. The two continents face common challenges including COVID-19 and climate change, and share a common vision of a shared space of peace, democracy, human rights, security, mutual respect and solidarity. Accordingly, we demand common solutions.
Climate and biodiversity
We invite leaders to commit to a carbon net-zero planet by 2050. By 2030, net emissions should be halved, and at least 30% of land and oceans should be conserved. The EU should increase its climate finance for the AU countries with a view to achieving these goals. We encourage the use of IMF special drawing rights to channel the finance.
Democracy, rule of law, human rights, justice
We welcome all joint initiatives aimed at promoting democracy, human rights, rule of law, good governance and access to justice. We demand the summit to articulate a joint strategic approach for more effective, accountable and transparent institutions, complemented by supranational and federal institutions.
Health and well-being
On both continents, COVID-19 has caused loss of life, disrupted economies and societies, and impacted negatively on fundamental rights. Africa and Europe must cooperate to recover from the crisis jointly, bearing in mind Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being).
Citizens deserve universal access to quality essential health services, without discrimination. The summit should mobilise public and private funds to this effect.
Peace, security and stability
Africa and Europe share a common security environment. Deeper security and defence cooperation between individual countries, and between the two continents, is a logical response to a world where security threats transcend national borders.
Education , mobility and youth
Close, sustained and regular people-to-people contacts, exchanges and cooperation create common histories. They are the underlying fundamental of the continent-to-continent partnership.
Sustainable Growth
We stand united in our commitment to clean and green economic growth that will create new, decent and quality jobs; drive innovation; lead to investments in quality infrastructure; strengthen education and upskilling; address inequalities; protect the planet; and ensure that the prosperity trade can bring is felt in all parts of our countries.

Ambassador Gorely in the Philippines with Community Leaders.Photo:
Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva
Media release
20 December 2021
Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne announces the appointment of Ms Amanda Gorely as Australia’s next Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. Ms Gorely will also be Australia’s Ambassador for Disarmament.
Australia’s Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva facilitates Australia’s active role in the UN, its specialised agencies and other forums based in Geneva. Through the Permanent Mission, Australia takes an active role in strengthening and reforming international institutions vital to upholding international rules and norms, including on human rights, humanitarian and refugee matters, migration, global health - notably in response to COVID-19, labour, the environment, telecommunications and disarmament. Key themes such as gender equality, persons with disabilities, UN reform and effectiveness, as well as partnering with the Pacific, are Australian priorities across all UN agencies.
Ms Gorely will serve as Australia’s representative to the UN Human Rights Council, the world’s peak body for promoting and protecting human rights. There, Ms Gorely will engage actively to support Australia’s commitment to human rights internationally, and influence global responses to major human rights issues, working alongside other states, UN mechanisms and civil society.
Ms Gorely will also be responsible for advancing Australia's interests in disarmament, non-proliferation and conventional arms control in Geneva, including as Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament. Ms Gorely will work across a range of conventional and weapons of mass destruction forums, and with other stakeholders in disarmament and arms control, to strengthen global regimes and promote global security, cooperation and trust.
Ms Gorely is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and is currently First Assistant Secretary, International Security Division, and Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter-Proliferation. She has previously served overseas as Australia’s Ambassador to the Philippines; as well as in Wellington, Geneva and Stockholm. In Canberra she has held a number of senior legal, trade and human rights positions in DFAT.
Ms Gorely holds a Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Melbourne.
I thank outgoing Ambassador Sally Mansfield for her contributions to advancing Australia’s interests in Geneva UN since 2018, especially during Australia’s Human Rights Council membership 2018-20 and the global health response to COVID-19.
World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy (WFM/IGP)

2021 Congress - Part II
Part II happened on October 30 and 31, at 11:00 AM (UTC). The primary purpose was to provide an update on fundraising, a financial assessment of the organisation, and Executive Committee elections.
Tadashi Inuzuka (Co-President)
Fernando Iglesias (Co-President)
Donna Park (Congress Chair)
John Vlasto (Executive Committee Chair)
Bente Nielsen (Treasurer)
Nicola Vallinoto (1st Congress Vice-Chair)
Vijayam Raghunathan (2nd Congress Vice-Chair)
Nicolas Baird (Policy Review Chair)
Nicolas Rowe (Credentials, Nominations and Statutes Committee Chair)
Camila Lopez Badra (Membership and Outreach Committee Chair)
Amy Oloo (Secretary)
Elizabeth Gamarra (Member)
Hemachandra Basappa (Member)
Daphne Gogou (Member)
Ricardo Moschetti (Member)
Note: WFM/IGP thanks Keith Best, Peter Luff, Kjartan Almenning and Marjolijn Snippe for their many years of work, enthusiasm, and participation as active members of the Executive Committee.
Partnership - Coalition for World Security Community and Alliance of Democracies

Our affiliated Transnational Working Group, the Coalition for a World Security Community of democratic nations (CWSC) has partnered with the Alliance of Democracies to deliver the webinar entitled "‘How to Unite the World’s Democratic Forces". The event happened on the 9th June.
This event was jointly sponsored by ourselves and the Alliance of Democracies Foundation in Copenhagen. Didier Jacobs represented us on the speaker’s panel. Alongside him on the panel were: Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Chairman of the Foundation, and former Prime Minister of Denmark and former NATO Secretary-General Sir Mark Sedwill, former National Security Adviser (UK) and former Cabinet Secretary (UK) Ash Jain, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council.
The webinar went very well, with a very friendly and collegial atmosphere! Everybody seemed to agree on most points. Didier did a great job at representing us in a realistic fashion, and he was well accepted as a member of the group. This will do great things to raise the public profile of our Coalition!
We had close to 200 registrations for the event and close to 80 join the webinar session. This has been our first public presentation since the Paris Peace Forum in 2018, and it was an important opportunity to get our message out there, and make new contacts. We need to consider how to follow up on the event.
If you missed the webinar, you can still watch it via the link below:
"The world needs to not only a global policeman to restore international law and order, but also a global fireman to extinguish all the fires that have broken out because of the lack of American leadership in recent years." - Anders Fogh Rasmussen
"The key thing about democracies is that we are self correcting - we listen and we improve. Autocracies do not." Lord Mark Sedwill
"We envisage a global community of democratic nations, led by the D10/D15 and with NATO and OECD as executive arms." - Didier Jacobs
"What binds together these forces is that we need a better strategy to deal with the challenges from China and Russia"
- Ash Jain

President-elect Joe Biden promises a
Summit of Democracy

President-elect Biden wrote an article in the March/April 2020 issue of Foreign Affairs entitled "Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy after Trump", in which he promised that during his first year in office, “...the US will organize and host a global Summit for Democracy to renew the spirit and shared purpose of the nations of the free world. It will bring together the world's democracies to strengthen our democratic institutions, honestly confront nations that are backsliding, and forge a common agenda”.
He specified three areas for discussion at the Summit: fighting corruption, defending against authoritarianism, and advancing human rights. “The Summit for Democracy will also include civil society organizations from around the world that stand on the front lines in defense of democracy”.
This should offer an outstanding opportunity to push forward our campaign for a World Security Community of democratic nations!

Associate Professor Chris Hamer, President of the World Citizens Association of Australia
World Citizens Association Australia President, Associate Professor Chris Hamer, provides the following summary of the proceedings of the WFM-IGP online conference held on 24-25 October 2020.
Our WCAA/CWSC members were well represented at this meeting, with Ton Macel, John Hegarty, Nicholas Rowe, Domenico Moro, Daniel Blewitt, Nigel Davenport, Dr Zeny Edwards, Luiz Bispo, Austin Mackell and myself among a total of about 45 participants from around the world! Proceedings were moderated by Peter Luff, Congress Chair of the WFM.
The current trend against multi-lateralism has reduced the WFM/IGP to a dire state, as revealed by Keith Best in answer to a question on day 2. The bulk of its funding, around $3M per annum from the Ford Foundation and the Macarthur Foundation, has now disappeared, not to mention $100K from the Australian government (among others). They have had to lay off most of their employed staff, and give up their offices in both New York and Brussels, hoping to be able to reoccupy them later.
Day 1, morning.
Session 1 on the Future of the World Federalist Movement involved presentations by Fernando Iglesias (President WFM), Keith Best and Bente Neilson (Executive Chairs WFM), and Anji Manivannan (Director of Programs, WFM-IGP). They rehearsed previous successes of the movement: the Coalition for an International Criminal Court (ICC), which takes up 90% of their resources, and the adoption of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) by the UN. They noted important current campaigns: the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA); the COPLA campaign in Latin America for an international Court to combat organized crime in the region; and the campaign for reform of the method of electing the UN Secretary-General. They also noted the huge efforts put into the recent UN2020 campaign for reform of the UN on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.
On the other hand, they noted the serious financial position of the organization which has reduced it to crisis mode, the loss of support for multi-lateralism generally, and the added problems of the Covid pandemic. There is an urgent need to extend and broaden our membership.

Daniel Blewitt, Executive Director of Young World Federalists
Session 2 on Working Together to Grow Our Movement involved presentations by Daniel Blewitt, Executive Director of the new Young World Federalists, John Vlasto, Associate of Democracy Without Borders, and Martin Chibanda, also of the Young World Federalists. Daniel and his YWF organization on social media were the stars of the day, being able to boast of over 5000 followers on reddit, and 100 active members, less than a year after their foundation! Daniel, with his experience in online marketing, stressed that in order to attract more young people to the movement, we need to improve our “branding”, using more direct language and universal symbols, which will be more easily found by people searching on the web. He argued that there was plenty of sympathy for our ideas out there, but most people these days have know nothing about world federalism and have never heard of it. Andreas Bummel mentioned the change of name of his group to the international ‘Democracy Without Borders’. There was also considerable discussion of the ‘crisis in democracy’ due to the rising challenge from authoritarian states. Peter and Keith promised to discuss the branding issue in future board meetings.
Session 3 on The Need for a Post-Covid World Order I didn’t attend (very late, Sydney time).
Day 2, morning.
Session 4. The first presentation on Transnational Working Groups for World Federalist Solutions was a short summary by Fernando Iglesias (President of the WFM), on the need for TWGs involving collaborations with other civil society organizations to carry on the work of the WFM. He acts as coordinator for the TWGs. Then there was a presentation moderated by Camile Badra (Executive
Director, Democracia Global)on Opportunities and Challenges in AI and Global Governance by Robert Whitfield, (Chair of Trustees, One World Trust), Marcelo Lemos (member TWG), and Didier Courneille (Co-Chair, Healthy Life Extension Society). They painted a picture straight out of science fiction of a future driven by artificial intelligence! It could bring great benefits, such as everybody living in luxury while all the work is done by robots (as in Wall-E), and possibly eternal life for humans (!); and also great dangers, such as automated nuclear war, automated cyber crime, mass unemployment, and even cyborgs with super-intelligence taking over the world, maybe in as little as thirty years! They argued the need for global regulation of the industry.
Session 5 on Key Campaigns of the World Federalist Movement involved presentations by AnjiManivannan (Director of Programs WFM-IGP), on the work of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) and the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP), plus CamileBadra (Executive Director, Democracia Global), on the Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Organized Crime (COPLA).
The first two campaigns are the greatest successes of the movement so far, largely due to the previous Executive Director Bill Pace, and have taken up most of the finances of the group. The CICC now has 2500 civil society organizations as members! But they are facing challenging times, e.g. the US has imposed sanctions against the ICC, and the R2P doctrine has not been invoked again ever since the Libyan intervention ended in chaos for that country. The receptiveness for these ideas has declined, and we need to do something to highlight again the need for prevention of mass atrocities.
The third campaign in Latin America is mainly to the credit of Fernando Iglesias and his organization Democracia Global, and is very active at the moment. Camile showed some slides on it. The idea has been endorsed by the Argentinian Parliament, and the Parliament of MERCOSUR; they are working on persuading other nations in Latin America to approve it.
Session 6 on UN Reform Campaigns involved presentations by Fergus Watt, Executive Director WFM – Canada on the UN2020 Campaign; Andreas Bummel, Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders on the UNPA campaign; and Prof Fritz Pointer together with Vernita Pearl Fort from the Democratic World Federalists on UN Charter Review. Our members should be familiar with the first two campaigns from emails we have been distributing, and the visit of Andreas to Australia which we sponsored last year. The DWF discussion placed heavy emphasis on Article 109 of the 1945 Charter, which promised a Review within the first ten years, but was never implemented. I’m afraid relying on a legal argument is never going to be enough .

democracy without borders
Andreas claimed his campaign was the single most important project for the WFM, with which I would have to agree. He reported that it had been discussed in the UN General Assembly, but had attracted little interest, even from Germany! The UN Parliamentary Network proposal could be a step towards a UNPA, however.
Finally, Session 7 consisting of a Q & A on Key Campaigns and Policy Contributions from Membersallowed a 3-minute presentation by myself outlining briefly the aims of our Coalition for a World Security Community of democratic nations, which I hope will be formally adopted by the WFM-IGP as an official TWG in the area of peace and security; and also a discussion by a group including Domenico Moroadvocating Mikhail Gorbachev’s idea of a “Common European Home”, embracing both the EU and Russia.
Conclusions (including contributions from Fernando Iglesias, Keith Best, and Bob Flax). The WFM-IGP is only a small International Non-government organization (INGO) compared to biggies such as the Red Cross, Greenpeace or Amnesty International. But its mission is an extremely important one: we must work to extend its influence, particularly through partner organizations, and recruit more young people by refreshing its branding, as advocated by Daniel.John Vlasto, Communications/ Outreach Director for the WFM-IGP, urged everyone to subscribe to the Discord social media network set up by Daniel and his crew.
Bob Flax, President of Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS), USA, pointed to two policy recommendations that he submitted to the WFM:
We set an achievable target date for world federation by 2045, the 100th anniversary of the UN.
We offer a ‘Big Tent’ for both short-term and long-term campaigns directed towards this goal.
I noted the Biden policy document promising a Summit for Democracy in the first year of his Presidency. Hopefully we will all have cause for celebration in a couple of weeks time, when the result of the US Presidential election is known!
Chris Hamer

The Unfold Zero Report on the United Nations High Level Meeting on the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, which also called for the total elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045. Refer to the links below:
You can sign the Petition (link below)
Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (link below)


Historic milestone: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons reaches 50 ratifications needed for entry into force
On October 24, 2020, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons reached the required 50 states parties for its entry into force, after Honduras ratified just one day after Jamaica and Nauru submitted their ratifications. In 90 days, the treaty will enter into force, cementing a categorical ban on nuclear weapons, 75 years after their first use.
This is a historic milestone for this landmark treaty. Prior to the TPNW’s adoption, nuclear weapons were the only weapons of mass destruction not banned under international law, despite their catastrophic humanitarian consequences. Now, with the treaty’s entry into force, we can call nuclear weapons what they are: prohibited weapons of mass destruction, just like chemical weapons and biological weapons.

The impact of COVID-19 has re-shaped urban life around the world. Local communities have played a key role in contributing to keeping people safe and adopting a resilient attitude during this health crisis.
All communities are making significant contributions towards alleviating poverty, discrimination and racism within neighbourhoods, while individual households in urban areas are providing an enabling environment for work and study in the home.
UN-Habitat’s latest World Cities Report reinforces the benefits of cities that engage all stakeholders, including local communities to foster sustainable cities. The Secretary-General has identified cities and communities as being on the frontline of the COVID-19 response. Collectively, we can truly foster sustainable cities for all.
The recognition of communities’ value must be maintained beyond the virus outbreak. Sustainable Development Goal 11, which formulates the ambition to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable - underpins the UN-Habitat’s mission. Inequalities in cities have grown since 1980. The world largest cities are also often the most unequal, and this year’s theme is embraced by the action and implementation of the New Urban Agenda, which places the topic of inclusive cities as one of the main pillars of sustainability and growth.
World citizens are truly members of one human family sharing a common humanity.
World Federalist Movement Online Conference
October 2020
Please save the date and join us for WFM’s Online Conference on October 24 and 25!
Please email Matteo at the WFM Secretariat at to register and with advance questions you have for the panelists. You may also put forward a policy recommendation by emailing it to Matteo (no more than 250 words). We need your registration, advance questions, and any policy recommendation(s) before October 19.
An advertisement for the position of Executive Director of the WFM-IGP, the umbrella organization of the World Federalist Movement, appeared recently.. This is a crucial leadership positionfor the whole movement, and was previously occupied by Bill Pace (and, briefly, by TawandaHondora).

How Democracy Survives:
Crises of the Nation State
September 2020

We have just received notice of this online symposium, which I think should be of great interest to all of us world federalists. See the website at
In Conjunction with the Stanley Stone Distinguished Lecture Series, the BU College of General Studies,
the Workable World Trust, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning
The Frederick S. PardeeCenter for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies will host an online symposium, “How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation State.”
In this three-day online symposium, leading scholars and activists from around the world will explore how democratic values and institutions can evolve and adapt to the growing challenges that are now destabilizing democratic nation states, such as climate change, resurgent nationalism, ethnic and religious conflict, human rights abuses, and deepening levels of economic inequality.
The symposium will take place from October 28th-30th, 2020, and is free and open to the public. The full agenda is at
Tiziana Stella, Executive Director of the Streit Council for a Union of Democracies, will be speaking at 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EST Thursday 29th in a session on“The Evolution of Democratic Federalism”. A session of particular interest to us will be on the final day, with the morning session under the title "Cosmopolitan Democracy and the Nation State", which includes contributions from our friends:
Joseph Baratta, on the history of the world federalist movement;
Andreas Bummel, on the campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly;
Shahryar Sharei, on UN Charter Review; moderated by Augusto Lopez-Claros of the Global Governance Forum;
And an afternoon session entitled "The Future of Democratic Federalism" including:
Susanna Cafaro, on Europe as a Lab for supranational democracy; and John Davenport, a member of our own Coalition for a WSC , on Themes from a League of Democracies, Consolidation Arguments, and Global Public Goods!
This encompasses most of the current ideas for the next steps towards a world federation!
You can register at the website above.
New Executive Director for the WFM-IGP
September 2020
An advertisement for the position of Executive Director of the WFM-IGP, the umbrella organization of the World Federalist Movement, has appeared recently.. This is a crucial leadership positionfor the whole movement, and was previously
occupied by Bill Pace (and, briefly, by TawandaHondora).
The Future We Want, The UN We Need

On September 16th and 17th (with community-driven sessions to follow on Sept. 18th), we will gather virtually to honor the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. A cornerstone of international order since 1945, the United Nations must continue to adapt and innovate to respond to new threats, challenges, and opportunities in our current age of complexity.
The UN75 Global Governance Forum seeks to promote a more inclusive and effective United Nations through dialogue and recommendations that better harness the ideas, capabilities, and networks of both state and
non-state actors for achieving the UN?s commitment to peace, sustainable development, human rights, and
a stable climate

In this spirit, participants will seek collectively to raise the ambition of the UN75 Declaration - to be adopted on September 21st by world leaders - by initiating new multistakeholder pilot projects and presenting global governance innovations toward the realization of ‘The future we want, the UN we need.’ Information regarding the forum, including the agenda, honorary co-chairs, partnership and innovation tracks, and speakers can be found on the forum website.
[from the UN2020 website]
Meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Chairman of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last July in Denmark to discuss how to strengthen the spine of democracies against the forces of autocracy. Since then, US Secretary of State Pompeo has called for "a new grouping of like-minded nations, a new alliance of democracies."
Alliance of Democracies also hosted the Secretary of State at the recent Copenhagen Democracy Summit where he spoke more in depth about the role the United States needs to take when dealing with challenges to our democracies.
Watch the full session here
[from The Democracy Defender, newsletter of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation]
Young World Federalist
An introduction to the world federalism movement - video below:
Global Citizens concert
April 2020. A major online concert,‘One World: Together at Home’, was organized by Global Citizen, which is a largely online community education group led by activist Hugh Evans, originally from Melbourne.The concert apparently raised $79 million for the WHO! We can only dream of such a global reach.
(Global Citizen)
Hugh Evans
Commission for the Human Future report
March 2020. The new Commission for the Human Future has issued a report entitled ‘Surviving andThriving in the 21st Century’. It is a report from an expert round table convened by the Commission on March 28th this year. The members of the round table are a very impressive group, including some linked to us, such as scientists (Will Steffen and Geoff Davies), and some leaders of kindred organizations such as ICAN and MAPW (Tilman Ruff and Sue Wareham). The Commission has very similar objectives to ours – see further comments below. The report begins with a “Call to All Nations People” from John Hewson, the Chairman of the Commission.
(Crawford School of Public Policy – ANU)
John Hewson
Looking at thereport in a little more detail, from our own perspective as world federalists, it begins with a detailed discussion of ten global catastrophic risks, including overpopulation, climate change, nuclear weapons, and pandemics, which largely overlap with our own motivations. After considerable discussion, their conclusions include “a need for sweeping political reform”, and “the world needs more effective democracy, not less.” They conclude with a Recommendation
“The Commission for the Human Future calls on the nations and peoples of the Earth to come together, as a matter of urgency, to prepare a plan for humanity to survive and thrive, far into the future.”
However, we would say that they have not pushed their argument to its logical and inescapable conclusion, as follows:
1. Global problems need global solutions; 2. Solving the common problems of a society is the function of government. Therefore, to deal effectively with these global catastrophic risks, we need a global government. To Western minds at least, this global government would have to take the form of a democratic world federationorglobal parliament.
But it is true that such a government can only be established with the consent of the governed, i.e. at the will of the ‘peoples of the Earth’, as pointed out by John Locke three centuries ago.
International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
.March 2020. The ICAN campaign in support of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is making excellent progress. Over two-thirds of the UN members support the Treaty in one way or another. Some 36 states have already ratified the Treaty, heading rapidly towards the target of 55 ratifications which would see the Treaty enter into force. This is forecast to occur sometime next year. Australia, as an ally of the United States, does not support the Treaty. For some further details, see Daryl’s report here.

Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
Bob Brown, Andreas Bummel and Chris Hamer at Parliament House, Canberra
The World Citizens Association of Australia invited Andreas Bummel, the global coordinator of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, to visit Australia in the period 2-12 September 2019. Our aim is to raise public awareness of the Campaign, generate public support,
and ultimately to secure the Australian government’s agreement to become a supporter of the Campaign.
During his visit, we organized a Symposium at the Australian National University on the theme "Towards a More Democratic United Nations" and a Seminar at the University of Sydney on the broader theme “Strengthening Democratic Global Governance: Towards a World Parliament” Read more
Since then, we have made a submission to the Inquiry of the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs regarding
Nationhood, national identity and democracy, advocating Australian government support for the campaign. Read the submission here

What the critics say:
A great gift to humanity at a time of
global emergency —Richard Falk
The new standard work on the idea of a world parliament —Frank Biermann
An important and excellent book—Jean Ziegler
I encourage you to read this fascinating book —Kumi Naidoo
Paris Peace Forum, November 2018
Chris Hamer's presentation at the Forum
Chris Hamer, President of the Coalition for a World Security Community, gave the first public presentation of the idea at the Paris Peace Forum. Thanks to the support of the Global Challenges Foundation, five members of our Coalition were manning a booth at the Forum and interacted with hundreds of local and national government officials, international organizations, NGOs, foundations, companies, experts, journalists, trade unions, religious groups and citizens. Marking the 100th anniversary of the armistice of World War I, the Forum started with a gathering of heads of state hosted by President Macron. The next couple of days were a grand fest for NGOs to present innovative ideas in the areas of peace and security, new technologies, inclusive economy, development, and environment. Ostensibly dedicated to peace, we were actually one of the very few voices articulating an actual vision for world peace.

New Shape Forum, Stockholm June 2018
Laszlo Szombatfalvy
The Global Challenges Foundation, set up by Swedish billionaire Laszlo Szombatfalvy, has announced a $5 million prize competition, ‘A New Shape’, for the best new ideas on global governance to deal with the enormous global challenges and risks facing our global community. This should be a great shot in the arm for the world federalist movement generally. Apparently some 2700 entries were submitted by the time the competition closed on September 30, 2017, and the prizewinners were announced in May 2018.
We submitted two entries. One was entitled ‘Towards a Global Parliament: Principles and Pathways’, and gives a general discussion on the idea of a World Community of Democratic Nations, as a first step on the way towards an eventual global parliament capable of dealing with these daunting global challenges, such as nuclear weapons, and climate change. The other was entitled ‘A World Security Community of Democratic Nations’, and gives a more detailed discussion of a specific starting point. It is proposed that NATO and the OECD should be reconstituted as two arms of the new community.
Our entries were knocked out in the first round. But afterwards, the Foundation offered to support five working groups, including ours, to prepare submissions for the Paris Peace Forum in November 2018. Hence was born the Coalition for a World Security Community.

Nobel Peace Prize for ICAN
The Prize was awarded in recognition of the leading role of ICAN in championing the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the first major nuclear disarmament Treaty in twenty years. This is a statement from the non-nuclear-weapon states reinforcing their commitment to the abolition of nuclear weapons. Now we need to challenge the Nuclear-weapon-states to respond, and fulfill their promise under Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, namely to “negotiate in good faith” on nuclear disarmament. They should set up a Commission to lay out a credible path to getting rid of their nuclear arsenals and then to implement it, even if it may take a long time. The Nobel Prize Committee refers to this challenge in their announcement.
Coalition for a World Security Community
As part of this project for a World Security Community of democratic nations which was mentioned above, we are in the process of setting up aCoalition for a World Security Community, to try and generate civil support for the project. Branches have been established in NSW and New York, with officers myself as President, Didier Jacobs as Vice-President, Rada as Treasurer and Brian Hyouk Son as Secretary. Our working group in support of the Coalition includes Australian members myself, Rada, Pera, Michelle, John, Austin, Brett and Brian. Daryl, Wali, Zeny Edwards and Camilla Schippa have been enlisted later. Many thanks to Austin and Brett for helping to set up a website for this group.What is the actual project? See a summary at the end of this Bulletin, and a full description here.
Chris Hamer

The ICAN team