"You cannot shake hands with a closed fist." Mahatma Gandhi
Partnerships/ Affiliations
We are very closely affiliated with the Institute for Global Peace and Sustainable Governance, whose principal purpose was to establish an academic Centre for Global Governance and International Peace. We have jointly sponsored several events with the Australian Institute of International Affairs (NSW), and maintain links with the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies (DPACS) at the University of Sydney, and the United Nations Association of Australia (NSW). On the international scene, links include:
We are partners with the Global Challenges Foundation via the Coalition for a World Security Community
We are an Associate Organization of the World Federalist Movement.
We collaborate with the Democratic World Federalists in California
We have links with the World Citizens Registry in France, and the Streit Council in the US
We are a supporter of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.
We will also maintain active correspondence and cooperation with other like-minded movements – see Resources section for more related organisations.